2013-12-21. Der tansanische Präsident entlässt vier Minister wegen Missbrauchsfälle gegen Wilderei
Der tansanische Präsident Jakaya Kikwete hat vier seiner Minister entlassen. Ihnen wurde vorgeworfen, dass die Sicherheitskräfte bei der Operation gegen Wilderei „Operesheni Tokomeza“ Verbrechen wie Mord, Totschlag , Folter und Erpressung begangen haben sollen. Entlassen wurden:
- Verteidigungsminister Shamsi Vuai Nahodha
- Home Affairs Minister Emmanuel Nchimbi,
- Tourism and Natural Resources Minister Khamis Kagasheki and
- Livestock Development Minister David Mathayo.
Der Präsident hat die Ernennungen für alle vier Minister widerrufen, sagte Premierminister Mizengo Pinda letzten Freitag vor dem Parlament. .
Die Operation gegen die Wilderei habe eine gute Absicht verfolgt, jedoch seien Morde, Vergewaltigungen und Brutalität über die berichtet worden sei, völlig inakzeptabel. Eine parlamentarischen Untersuchung habe ergeben, dass 13 Zivilisten seien ermordet und über 1000 Personen verhaftet worden seien. Verantwortlich dafür seinen Soldaten, Parkwächter und Forstoffizieren.
Kikwete sacked six ministers last year, including holders of the finance and energy portfolios, due to growing public and opposition discontent over graft allegations.
Pinda said wildlife poaching had reached an alarming point, with a recent census at one of the country’s biggest wildlife parks, Selous Game Reserve, showing elephant populations had plummeted to just 13,000 from 55,000 previously.
The government’s anti-poaching exercise was suspended in November after just one month of the massive operation following reports of shocking brutality against innocent civilians. (Editing by George Obulutsa and Mike Collett-White).
Internet-Quelle: http://uk.reuters.com/article/2013/12/21/uk-tanzania-politics-idUKBRE9BK05020131221. (eingesehen 2015-11-11)
2012-05-14. Der tansanische Präsident feuerte acht Minister
Der tansanische Präsident feuerte acht seiner Minister unter dem Vorwurf, dass sie mit chinesischen Geschäftsleuten, die im ostafrikanischen Region. Die zunehmende Korruption in Ostafrika wird auf die Ankunft von chinesischen Geschäftsleuten in der Bauindustrie zurückgeführt.
„The Chinese construction firms have taken over the construction of road network, building of bridges, expansion of ports and other economic infrastructure.“
Es wird gesagt, dass diese chinesischen Geschäftsleute sehr großzügig mit Geld für sogenannte „kick-backs“ seien. Vorangegangen waren zwei Wochen, in denen Parlamenterier und die Öffentlichkeit Druck gemacht hatten mit der Absicht, das beschädigte Ansehen der Regierung zu reparieren. Der Maßnahme ging auf veir verschiedene Berichte zurück Einer vom Auditor and Controller General, and the others by parliamentary oversight committees, die festgestellt hatten, dass Hunderte von Millionen Schillingen von öffentlichen Geldern veruntreut worden waren. Entlassen wurden:
- Mustafa Mkulo {Finance}.
- William Ngeleja {Energy},
- Ezekiel Miage {Tourism and Natural Resources}.
- Cyril Chami {Trade and Industry},
- Omar Nundu {Transport} and his
- Deputy Athumani Mkatakamba, the
- Health Minister Hadji Mponda and
- his deputy Dr Lucy Nkya.
„The sacking on May 4, 2012 was the second time in as many in as many years government minister implicated in scandals were forced out or resigned voluntarily to save the image of the government and safeguard the political interests of the ruling party Chama Cha Mapinduzi {CCM}.“
Internet-Quelle: http://blog.jaluo.com/?p=27439 (eingesehen 2015-11-11)
2010-08-31. Bestechungen bei TANROADS
WHEN it comes to the government’s agency responsible for the planning, construction and maintenance of the nation’s roads, money is no object.
The state-run Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS) under its controversial chief executive officer (CEO), Ephraim Mrema, recently signed a contract for the upgrading of the Bagamoyo-Makofia-Msata road to bitumen standard with a company that quoted one of the highest prices of the four bidders for the project.
According to documents seen by THISDAY, TANROADS awarded the tender for the 64-km road to Estim Construction Company Limited owned by Dar es Salaam-based business tycoon Subhash Patel. Estim Construction Co. Ltd was one of the highest bidders in the tender process, offering to build the road for 105.6 billion/-.
A Chinese firm, China Henan International Cooperation Group Co. Limited (CHICO), which had the lowest bid of 84.1bn/-, was elbowed out of the tender process in the final stages under dubious circumstances.
This means that TANROADS picked a company which was 21.5bn/- more expensive than the lowest bidder.
The other short-listed bidders for the project were Sinohydro Corporation Limited (131.5bn/-) and General Nile Company for Roads and Bridges/Dott Services JV (118.9bn/-). Well placed sources say the TANROADS Headquarters Tender Board (THQTB) was split over the matter, with some members preferring that the contract be awarded to the lowest bidder — CHICO.
Mrema is alleged to have intervened in the tender process and ultimately awarded the contract to Estim Construction Co. Ltd. „M/S China Henan International Cooperation Group Co. Ltd was the lowest evaluated bidder,“ said part of the tender board documents seen by THISDAY.
„The bidder also substantially demonstrated possession of the stipulated post-qualification requirements. The bidder was therefore recommended for award of the contract, subject to successful negotiations.“ It is understood that during pre-contract negotiations, CHICO requested an additional 10 percent of the contract value for maintaining the road and strengthening of bridges. This would have raised the contract value to around 92.4bn/-, which was still 13.2bn/- cheaper than the bid by Patel’s company.
Internet-Quelle: http://www.jamiiforums.com/jukwaa-la-siasa/71793-when-money-is-not-an-object-ufisadi-mwengine-huu-tanroads.html (eingesehen 18.11.2015)
2010-06-15. Oberste Ministerialbeamte im Skandal um Kick-backs
TANROADS ROW… Top ministry officials in ‚kickbacks‘ scandal
AS the Ministry of Infrastructure Development is accused of failure to take action against the CEO of the Tanzania Roads Agency (TANROADS) for his insubordinate behaviour, it has now come to light that some top officials in the parent ministry received “kickbacks” disguised as honoraria, from the government agency.
The honoraria, authorized by the TANROADS CEO, Ephraim Mrema, in December 2008, was paid to the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Infrastructure Development, Omar Chambo and the then acting Director of Administration and Personnel in the ministry, J.M.E. Mwakitosi, among other top officials.
According to an internal memorandum seen by THISDAY, the honoraria was paid to the two officials and four others for their role in “convincing” the Public Services Management to approve salary increments for TANROADS staff.
“It is recommended that the following people be considered for honoraria for their outstanding contribution towards the success of salary increase exercise.
“From the various correspondence and verbal expressions by those at the agency (TANROADS), the situation, internally, is very delicate and potentially explosive. This is even before consideration is taken on pending litigations by contractors claiming billions of shillings,” he warned.
Government officials expressed concern that the row at TANROADS was undermining the work of the agency in managing a network of around 30,000 kilometres of trunk and regional roads in mainland Tanzania.
Internet-Quelle: http://www.thisday.co.tz/cache/l_i_10889.html (eingesehen 18.11.2015)